Hints & Tips For Fundraising For Us!

Firstly we want to thank you for thinking about choosing LooseHeadz as your fundraising charity. Without the hard work of supporters like yourself we would not be able to do the great work that we are already doing to #TackleTheStigma around the world.

We have put together a short guide on how we believe you can fundraise as well as how to get your workplace, club, friends and family involved too!

Types of fundraising you could do;

The list goes on and on, you could fundraise by simply deciding to raise money to do outdoor yoga for an hour every day for a year or you could choose the nearest mountain range and smash out 3 peaks in under 24 hours! However we are realists and we know that sometimes even these take a lot of organising and can put strain on your health and bank!

Below is a short list of ways we think you could fundraise personally or with a group/ team.

  • Cake sale (cakes and bakes with a coffee morning are loved by everyone)
  • Head shave (still got an awful mullet from lockdown, now's the time to take it off)
  • 24 hour touch rugby game (take turns between your team/s and play continuous touch)
  • 24 hour bike ride (use a static bike and spread the time with your friends)
  • Naked calendar (who doesn't love having a laugh with mates and raising money too)
  • Rugby watch party (Prem Final, World Cup, etc - set up a watch party with tickets)
  • Auction night with meal (get your team together and raise money for prizes)

As we have said the list really could go on! If you do find an event that you wish to raise money for LooseHeadz, you can simply set up a Just Giving page here: https://www.justgiving.com/looseheadzfoundation and send the link to your family, friends, friends of friends, friends of friends dogs and those dogs friends too!

Below is a short piece by Dave Hughes of Trafford MV RFC who has raised  and is continuing to raise funds for LooseHeadz whilst not only Tackling The Stigma but battling Cancer too!

I formed a charity committee where we decided events that we were doing as a rugby club ie presidents lunch, ladies who do afternoon tea , Family fun day , I also did a charity walk for the 31 days in December whilst on daily chemotherapy which was a challenge but thankfully I had walking buddies nearly every day.

The main tip I have is to make sure you keep your events in the club, members will focus through the club website Instagram, Facebook etc and to also make sure that your social media is given the widest circulation with club members and the wider community.

We are absolutely shocked and amazed at the hard work in which Dave and Trafford MV have completed numerous charity events already this year and have raised £2,500 to date! We fully believe that the way in which Trafford MV have got behind this movement can be mimicked in many other clubs around the world.

So how to set up a charity committee and get the ball rolling;

Think of your club or workplace as a pyramid, at the top of that pyramid you have the club chair and the owners or the directors/ CEO. You as a player or supporter sit somewhere in that pyramid, to Tackle The Stigma we need to get word to the top about the great work LooseHeadz are doing and how it would benefit the club and players as a whole.

  1. Get a team of you together who are passionate to raise money and tackle mental ill health.
  2. Write a letter/ email asking to have a meeting or a slot at the next committee meeting.
  3. Offer that you will sit in the charity committee but ASK FOR HELP!
  4. Lay out your ideas for fundraising within the club (games, auction nights, meals, etc)
  5. Give the committee time to deliberate (but be sure to let them know you want to get the ball rolling and don’t give them too much time).
  6. Start making plans (when you get the go ahead, you will already have things in motion to get going!
  7. Keep regular meetings and communication with your charity committee, do not lose sight of the end goal which is to raise money for charity and have fun doing so.
  8. BREATHE - do not forget, you are human and you need to breathe sometimes!
  9. Enjoy whatever event you have arranged.
  10. Take part in your event and start planning the next one :)

If you have any concerns or queries as to how to keep your committee on board, please do not hesitate to reach out to LooseHeadz and we shall be happy to put something forward to your club, but remember it is always best coming from you as a member first!

P.S If your club is not set up as a partnership club, this is a great time to get that ball rolling and receive Mental Health Support completely free of charge!


As well as this, if you feel that you want to make a change and do so with like minded people, the LooseHeadz Academy may be for you!


Thank you,


Joey Milburn


LooseHeadz Academy Captain

